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  • Free download article Very dangerous and potentially dangerous stone and minerals are in Medical stone therapeutics, with pictures, 2010 year, format of PDF, 2.80 Mb (Presentation from scientific of author K.305 of pictures of very dangerous and potentially dangerous natural stone and minerals which on a bad motive or criminal indifference can be illegally used in criminal and "underground" "Medical stone therapeutics"). Rus langv.

   The scientific articles and materials of scientific author K.305 Yuliya V. Kaphtanova (Kharkov, Ukraine, CIS) can be officially ordered in the Kharkov Universal Scientific Library to address: a Cooperative street, 13, Kharkov, 61003, Ukraine (author's code K.305 2009-2019, Kharkov, Ukraine, CIS, passport of citizen official statement of the Ukraine MM670618, borned on September, 18, 1970 and constantly without break lives in town Kharkov, Ukraine, in 1994 are graduated the University, department of mathematical physics of the applied separation of applied mathematics, mathematical physics faculty from 1987 to 1994, Kharkov, Ukraine, certificate of Р N 586275 about completion of school #9 Kharkov from 1977 to 1987 - to married life Yuliya V. Kanunikova to November, 22, 2000, Dzerzhinskiy region of the Kharkov). I like a classic electric music (photo & read detal).

   In 2009-2019 the followings editions went out for Kharkov Ukrainian scientific author K.305:
   UDC 531.0 LBC 22.311 K.305 the "Special functions of the mathematical physics", part #1 "Bessel function and cylindrical functions in elementary description with the programs of calculations", 2009, Kharkov
   UDC 531.0 LBC 22.311 K.305 the "Special functions of the mathematical physics", part #3 "Design of anomalous and extraordinary natural and technogenic processes", 2009, Kharkov
   UDC 549:291,33 LBC 86.41:26.31 K.305 "All about stone and minerals. Magic and medical properties of the stone", 2009, Kharkov
   Attachment #1 to UDC 549:291,33 LBC 86.41:26.31 K.305 "Contact and uncontact stone therapy", 2009-2019, Kharkov (with the author video of 2010 for a computer)
   Attachment #2 to UDC 549:291,33 LBC 86.41:26.31 K.305 "Magnetotherapy and work magnets", 2009-2019, Kharkov (with the author video of 2010 for a computer)
   ISBN 966-7343-29-5 K.305, 1994-1998, Kharkov. Recovered in 2010 author K.305 edition of author K.305 the "Recurrent ratios for the solutions of differential equations the second order"
   Other scientific and popularization materials of Kharkov scientific author K.305 (Ukraine) for period of 2009-2015 and it is before possible to order in the Kharkov Universal Scientific Library to address: Cooperative street, 13, Kharkov, 61003, Ukraine. An author constantly lives and works in town Kharkov (Ukraine).

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   J.V. Kaphtanova
   Special functions of the mathematical physics. Popular scientific edition. - Kh.: Private Emergency Publishing House "The New Word", 2009. - 596 page. ISBN 978-966-2046-62-5
   It is expected not only on specialists-mathematicians but also on the wide circle of geared-up readers.

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   Selection of illustrations for additional on physics (p. 3) presented 4 chapters of monographs complication - because of absence at scientific of author K.305 (Ukraine, Kharkov) high-quality and complete and photo- and video materials of concerto execution and "living" sound of electro-performers of the top drawer. The question of mathematical design of conduct of electric guitar interests me since I heard sounding of modern Jimi Hendrix style electric rock music guitar and built the mathematical model of its sounding and management an electro-performer.

   Due to the presence of modern high-quality video data (direct TV transmission of action of "Queen" 12/09/2008), was objectively illustrated 4 chapter monographs on higher physics, sacred to the mathematical design with the use of vehicle of modern functions of mathematical physics of sounding of modern style of Jimi Hendrix electric guitar of of Brian May. The high-quality technical large plans of modern electro-performers allow to illustrate nuances and features of conduct of modern electric guitar and modern постхендриксовского electro-guitarist of the top drawer on the real technical stage before a "living" audience on the giant area of modern megalopolis (Ukraine, Kharkov).

   In place of selection separate and photo-materials of different performers (frequently without electro-instruments and even electro-microphones, in the disjointed video clips or musical insertions in pauses between advertising) the use for illustrations of continuous transmission videorow of concerto show appeared possible one of most technical modern Jimi Hendrix style style electric rock music guitarist - of Brian May, on the concert of which I was in city. Today there is not other performer which full owns the technique of high-quality electric acoustic sound production on a solo electric guitar.

   Brian Mey has a carefully thought out manner of conduct on the stage and highest quality of execution, that is not unimportant for illustration of popular scientific edition on higher mathematics and physics. To Brian Meyu practically however, music of what modern styles and directions to play in a studio or on the stage - from amazing guitar solos to backwall rock-and-roll, hard rock and style music trash metal, from thin accompaniment and traditional country music on an acoustic guitar to unique electric compositions in style of Jimi Hendrix.

   Chapter 4 can be useful not only whose children master a game musicians and music lovers, but also parents, on an electric guitar. Recommend beginners to get both variants 4 chapters and to meet with them in turn. A book is not a textbook on a game on an electric guitar or teaching manual - but it maximally popularly and accessible describes physics and mathematics of management the electro-sound of modern solo electric guitar and physics of features of conduct of musician with solo by the overloaded electric guitar in a studio and on the stage.

   The first two parts of edition are written with a scientific mathematical language, carry strict character and consistently prove all of the led logical reasonings, theorems, methods and formulas. Base theorems and letups of method of recurrent ratios 1 and 2 parts were shown out and got an author in 1992-1993 and afterwards continued in 2007-2009.

   Third part editions (physics) written with more human, accessible and clear language, strict proofs and surplus scientific letups are not adduced in it. Base is the use of linear differential equations the second order in partials (higher physics), operator of Laplace in cylindrical and spherical co-ordinates, regional task Cauchies and equations of Bessel with the use of decompositions on the special functions of modern mathematical physics - with the minimum volume of mathematics.

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   Part #1 "Bessel function and cylindrical functions in elementary description with the programs of calculations" examines the cylindrical functions of Bessel and Neyman from viewpoint of the First base theorem of method of recurrent ratios (author's code K.305). HTML visual graphic script design.
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   General theorems and methodology. Equation of Bessel. Ortogonal polynomials. Wave equations and ortogonal polynomials of Ermite. Reverse task of renewal of general view of equations on recurrent ratios.
   Edition of ISBN 966-7343-29-5 K.305 1994-1999, Ukraine, Kharkov (code 2009-2016). Defence of copyrights by a withdrawal author K.305 illegally inculcated in edition in 1998-1999 of the unactivated "trash" code of LBC (it is not in an the official database).
   Free download edition recovered in 2010-2012 1994-1999 гг., 13.3 Mb, DJVU

   © 2009-2019. Yuliya V. Kaphtanova. Any use of materials of the real book is settled only with obligatory link on of author of text and real popular scientific edition. In 2009 an author will endeavour to provide the complete adapted author translating of all of book into the Ukrainian language. Use and photo in this edition made exceptionally in noncommercial and scientific aims - no and photo from this edition can not be copied and used the third persons for other aims.

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   Extraction about registration of books of author Julia V. Kaphtanova (Ukraine, Kharkov). It is executed - http://www.ukrbook.net - Public scientific institution is the "Book house of Ukraine of the name of the Ivan Fedorov", Kiev, Ukraine, CIS. Access to public information, requiring payment queries, requiring payment services are a grant of kodas of UDC, LDC, author signs, codes of ISBN, works with publishing houses, extracts in relation to books and advanced studies, published in Ukraine, CIS.



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   Sales & Marketing Department - Kharkov, Ukraine, phones +38 050-1357929, +38 063-4877833, Anton A. Kaftanov
   Cost price of delivery (transportation) on the Ukraine - from 35 UAH, foreign - from 20 $ USA. Pre-pay.
   P.O. Box Mail (rus language): Anton A. Kaftanov, P.O. Box 10911, Kharkov, 61003, Ukraine, CIS
   Email: korum68a@gmail.com. Parcel by a by mail cash on delivery or read more detailed ...