ISBN 978-966-2046-92-2 K.305
UDC 549:291,33 LBC 86.41:26.31

Amulets and talismans, magic of stone, stone of Moon -->rus

  • Runes, rune amulets and talismans from a bone (heathen pagan and slavonic themes)
  • Numerology, magic of numbers (on Pythagoras and Corneliuse Agrippa, numbers from 1 to 9)

Elements of the theory of Feng-shui and stone


   At the choice of decoration from precious, gemstones stones and jewels stones oriented foremost on the personal predilections of that man which a gift intends. A selection of stone is the real creative act. At first you must decide on your own, what must be for you precious and other stone: By a TALISMAN or AMULET. Are the differences of these mystic concepts which?

   A TALISMAN supports and strengthens positive properties of character of his proprietor, attracting certain influences from outside - in resonance with the proper natural rhythms (EARTH and SPACE). Active influence.

   An AMULET is called to guard a proprietor from undesirable influences, to smooth out disharmony between external and internal rhythms, protecting the same from hoodoos, ailments, from a "bad eye" (causing disharmony). Passive influence is psychotherapy and autogenic training.

   Daryls the talisman or amulet nobody, and never take in the gift of stranger. Accumulating energy of man, a thing get accustomed to the owner and very reluctantly changes a proprietor. It was before considered that things, and the more so crystals, possessed "memory" (сегодя speech goes about archives and databases). Therefore yet for a long time it was not accepted without permission to take stranger. If you carried an amulet or talisman long time, you will remember about him very long. The stranger talisman of harm will not bring (if, certainly, he was not "programed" on harm is poison or radiation) you, but also to count on his help you do not need. And, the most important: choose a stone and frame, which really like you most. And before to do a gift, better unobtrusively to take interest, what a man will be most glad to, and it preferences are which. Remember and know - by force nice will never be !!! It behaves both to the people and to the stone, and to any gifts, presents and even grafts.

   A talisman, promoting protective properties for the proprietor, can come forward and in a role of amulet. An amulet is not able to be a talisman: he protects only, but not strengthens. Psychologists as early as ancient ages noticed that a man, believing in a talisman (or amulet), better resisted illnesses, to adversities (including so the effect of placebo shows up, that not unimportant for believing in him) and easier arrives at the put purpose (positive psychological effect). At the same time stone, which a man dislikes, can leave his indifferent or even to harm with psychological points of view (especially, if a man is sick). The only complimented or inherited with jeweller (precious) stone is most effective and strong (because desirable). Poludragocennye and carpentry stone "go into effect" much quick.

   At the purchase of good with stone directly for master or prospector stone "go into effect quick. Steal- hoodoo, up to laying an action and conclusion in prisons (correctional colonies). Purchased - "go into effect only over the years (if you, certainly, did not purchase an imitation or counterfeit stone). Dangerous stone and not acknowledged modern medicine the methods of treatment stone are brought by sufferings, aggravate and cause illness and even draw death with the subsequent bringing in guilty to criminal responsibility on the article "swindle" (at notorious aggravating circumstances).


   The scientific articles and materials of scientific author K.305 Yuliya V. Kaphtanova (Kharkov, Ukraine, CIS) can be officially ordered in the Kharkov Universal Scientific Library to address: a Cooperative street, 13, Kharkov, 61003, Ukraine (author's code K.305 2009-2019, Kharkov, Ukraine, CIS, passport of citizen official statement of the Ukraine MM670618, borned on September, 18, 1970 and constantly without break lives in town Kharkov, Ukraine, in 1994 are graduated the University, department of mathematical physics of the applied separation of applied mathematics, mathematical physics faculty from 1987 to 1994, Kharkov, Ukraine, certificate of Р N 586275 about completion of school #9 Kharkov from 1977 to 1987 - to married life Yuliya V. Kanunikova to November, 22, 2000, Dzerzhinskiy region of the Kharkov). I like a classic electric music (photo & read detal).

   In 2009-2019 the followings editions went out for Kharkov Ukrainian scientific author K.305:
   UDC 531.0 LBC 22.311 K.305 the "Special functions of mathematical physics", part #1 "Bessel function and cylindrical functions in elementary description with the programs of calculations", 2009, Kharkov
   UDC 531.0 LBC 22.311 K.305 the "Special functions of mathematical physics", part #3 "Design of anomalous and extraordinary natural and technogenic processes", 2009, Kharkov
   UDC 549:291,33 LBC 86.41:26.31 K.305 "All about stone and minerals. Magic and medical properties of the stone", 2009, Kharkov
   Attachment #1 to UDC 549:291,33 LBC 86.41:26.31 K.305 "Contact and uncontact stone therapy", 2009-2019, Kharkov (with the author video of 2010 for a computer)
   Attachment #2 to UDC 549:291,33 LBC 86.41:26.31 K.305 "Magnetotherapy and treatment magnets", 2009-2019, Kharkov (with the author video of 2010 for a computer)
   ISBN 966-7343-29-5 K.305, 1994-1998, Kharkov. Recovered in 2010 author K.305 edition of author K.305 the "Recurrent ratios for the solutions of differential equations the second order"
   Other scientific and popularization materials of Kharkov scientific author K.305 (Ukraine) for period of 2009-2015 and it is before possible to order in the Kharkov Universal Scientific Library to address: Cooperative street, 13, Kharkov, 61003, Ukraine. An author constantly lives and works in town Kharkov (Ukraine).

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   J.V. Kaphtanova. All about stone and minerals
   Contact and uncontact stone therapy (application)

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   J.V. Kaphtanova. All about stone and minerals
   Magic and medical properties of the stone (base edition)

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   Tail-piece of account on specialists - mineralogist, geologists, physicists, applied mathematicians. With illustrations described a accessible language modern mathematical model of growth of the stone crystals traditional and cryptocrystalline forms (crystallography), object-lessons over and determinations are brought, modern physics of process is expounded. The Russian language (Ukraine, CIS)
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   J.V. Kaphtanova. All about stone and minerals
   Magnetotherapy and treatment magnets (application)

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   Expounded treanings and recommendation of the stone massage by medical magnets and survey physics of magnetic-field. Told, due to what treat magnets, what extrasensory influences and magnetic field are a to "itself extrasensory individual". Exercise with Balls of Health. Magnetic trainers and massagers. Briefly about the use of magnets in engineering creation, about their counterboring and about patenting. Most typical errors and blunder errors, related to the magnetic field and electromagnetic co-operations, briefly about "magnetic" and other swindlers - today treatment magnets and biofield is scientifically grounded modern physics. The Russian language (Ukraine, CIS)
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