ISBN 978-966-2046-92-2 K.305
UDC 549:291,33 LBC 86.41:26.31

Stone on Role-playing games RPG, use in suits and environment, calendar -->rus

   On the modern original sporting with a role-playing games RPG (field terms, forest, city, reservoirs), which are actively conducted on territory of Ukraine, CIS and whole world, since 1991-1993, collected a mass appeal in 2001-2010 and actively step on the world from 2015, popularity begins to acquire a precious and carpentry stone and decorations with a stone, bead and strasses - as an element of suit of sporting role games and theatricalized raising, role theatricals, role magic artefact, registration of suits and role actions (bead, strasses, semiprecious stone, stone, decorations). On a photo on the right - one example of suits for role games, edged strasses and decorated embroidery.

   Base and the most popular subject of role games is an artistic literary cycle of J.R.R. Tolkien "The Lord of the Rings" (intrigue is opened out round jeweller wares and rings, including with a stone and magic), "Hobbit" (gold, geological survey) and "Silmarillion" (jewels of Silmarills, geologist and treatment valuable and rare natural and synthetic stone).

   J.R.R. Tolkien ("The Lord of the Rings"), "HI", Gondor, Beleriand, Mordor, Angband (mineries and mines deposits), Angmar, volcano of Orodruin and his eruptions, elvs, gnomes, goblins, dragons, people. We bring statistics over and calendar of role games (there are also Links on a RPG thematic websites).


Statistics of Role-playing games RPG in the Ukraine, 1999-2015 year

   Statistics of Role-playing games on the measures declared in Ukraine, 1999-2015 year
   Period: 1999 - 2015 (2016) year, on materials of network the Internet, April, 2015 year
   Role-playing games RPG on Ukraine, nearby states (CIS) and Kharkov region (CIS)


Year of game RPGIs declared report sendIt is streamline RPGKharkov and region (Ukraine, CIS)Kharkov, with mastersIt is carriedAnni- ented
1999292712 - 44%1211
2000242212 - 54%1211
200120198 - 42%8-1
200232309 - 30%92-
2003685913 - 22%1327
200465485 - 10%589
200572629 - 14%946
2006827310 - 13%1163
2007979216 - 17%1741
2008878017 - 21%1716
2009817010 - 14%1056
2010827516 - 21%16-7
201168618 - 13%825
201254483 - 6%461
201352493 - 6%321
201451334 - 12%5135
201521193 - 15%311


   #0050    #21 - 2000 year   (from 1999 year)
   Participation - 22.09 - 24.09.2000, gothic "Architecture", Eskhar ground (settlement Malinovka, town Chuguev, pine-wood, lakes, former riverbed, river Severskiy Donets, water-meadows), Kharkov region, RPG-master (subjects, tournament)

   #0421   #29 - 2007 year    Forum RPG   (from 2006 year)
     Participation - 28.06 - 01.07.2007, "Long World" (Dzh. Tolkien, "Silmarillion", chapter 14, 16, 17, other), Poltava region, 17 km from a city, forest, RPG-master (people, beasts, wolfish covey, dogs, it hunts in interlunation)

   #0470    #78 - 2007 year   (from 2007 year)
   Participation - 20.09 - 23.09.2007, "Troy", Kharkov region, Kharkov (Dzerzhinskiy р-н, Forest-park), historical RPG-imitation of assault of fortress, RPG-master is slings, stone (imitation), history of Troady, tsunami (RPG)

   On April, 23, 2015 year (The Report)
     Julia V. Kaftanova, city Kharkov, Ukraine, CIS, 1970 birth (author, K.305))



   Statistics of role games on the measures declared in Ukraine, 1999-2015 year
   Period: 1999 - 2015 (2016) year, on materials of network the Internet, April, 2015 year
   Role-playing games RPG on Ukraine, other states (CIS) and Kharkov region (CIS)

Cities, regionsGamesCities, regionsGames
Donetsk72Crimea (peninsula, CIS)82
Krivoy Rog city (Crooked Horn)6Poltava29
Crimea (peninsula, CIS)82Chernigov29
Kharkov162Krivoy Rog city (Crooked Horn)6
Total (Ukraine, CIS):832Total (Ukraine, CIS):832
Sevastopol city, Crimea (CIS)11Sevastopol city, Crimea (CIS)11



A workshop "Steel Princedom", sales, on an order,
Tel. +38 050 1357929, +38 063 4877833, Anton Kaftanov, Kharkov city, Ukraine, CIS


Production knightly battle. Tournaments. Model fight action. Web
A workshop "Steel Princedom", sales, on an order,
Tel. +38 050 1357929, +38 063 4877833, Anton Kaftanov, Kharkov city, Ukraine, CIS


Production knightly battle. Suits. Fire light-show and dances with a fire.
A collective "Steel Princedom", raising duels, tournaments, battle works,
Personal website of Anton A. Kaftanov, leader manager,,
Tel. +38 050 1357929, +38 063 4877833, Anton Kaftanov, Kharkov city, Ukraine, CIS


Lease rent of suits. Suits. Trying on. Photos-sessions.
A lease rent of suits of "Steel Princedom", appearances, photographers,
Tel. +38 093 7186674, Catherine Kaftanova, Kharkov city, Ukraine, CIS


   Tel. +38 050 1357929, +38 063 4877833, Anton Kaftanov, Kharkov city, Ukraine, CIS
   Address for mail letters: Anton A. Kaftanov, P.O. Box 10911, Kharkov, 61003, Ukraine, CIS
   Write Anton A. Kaftanov on the Internet Email:


1999-2016 | 1999 || 2000 || 2001 || 2001 || 2002 || 2003 || 2004 || 2005 || 2006
2007 || 2008 || 2009 || 2010 || 2011 || 2012 || 2013 || 2014 || 2015


  • RPG-Calendar - Andrey Varaksin (new Internet Web address, transfer of websites), renewed calendar of Role-playing games RPG and archive of RPG, time-table, governed terms of participating in the games of season, including of new and old, archives regulation of RPG (with 1999 year). In the Russian Language (CIS).