Catalogue and magic properties of the stone -->rus
Description characteristic of the mineral.
Enough soft mineral (solidity 3-3,5 units), which is now named Celestine, was first discovered on Sicily in 1781 This sulfate of strontium (SrSO4) got the modern name in 1798 due to initiative of the German mineralogist And. Werner. It used the ancient greek word of caelestial (celestial) in order that to underline the tender azure blue celestial cyan heavenly sky color of crystals of the mineral described by him. In composition Celestine at times it is possible to find out tracks of calcium and barium. Exactly due to these matters the crystals of Celestine fluoresce in the ultraviolet light. The crystals of Celestine have a hydatogenesis, they are found among granites and pegmatites, formed at very high temperatures. Used as ore of strontium.
However, at times the crystals of Celestine appear as a result of drying out of small reservoirs with salt water. Takes a place that is why Celestine will dissolve in water. On some sources, the skeletons of such marine one-celled organisms, as radiolarians, consist of sulfate of strontium. To dissolve in water delicate frameworks skeletons mixes such thin albuminous tape, vanishing after death of cage-creator.
Ore of strontium. The beautiful crystals of Celestine can be seen in form the pointed tetrahedral pyramids with the obviously expressed pyramidal apex. Crystals are reminded by celestial blue cyan turrets with roofs.
Magic properties of stone.
Is it needed to talk about magic or treatment in such dangerous natural case, how water-soluble salt of strontium ?! Disbelieve assertions about safety of this chemical element, having a half-period 1500 years, and his salts. Someone will assert that salt is unradio-active, because the isotopes of strontium are radio-active only in a clean kind. you remember that radiation from strontium of not take up by his chemical surroundings in salts.
But even ascribed to this stone allegedly magic properties. Certainly, small minerals and standards and separate crystals do not kill a people in place. Moreover, during great while a people will feel no changes with a health, because they will show up far not immediately. And nobody will bind subsequent disorders of health to the beyond measure near intermingling with such family a mineral. The connoisseurs of properties of stone (which did not teach nuclear physics) consider that the blue crystals of Celestine render the curative affecting the soul of people, instrumental in the origin of sense of pacification and allow to overcome karma problems. Celestine does perception of reality more pleasant, reconciles the owner with the world and with by itself. Assert that Celestine helps people which often have to talk on public. Besides it the blue celestial heavenly sky crystal of Celestine can work as a talisman, attracting a money. By the way, will notice that it is a very quite good prelude to to the funerals of his proprietor ("the Kingdom of the Heaven"). No aquamarine. Resembling in the quartz (quartz crystal, rock crystal is standard of the mineralogist).
Poisonous and radioactive risky hazardous cargo stone and minerals
** - are poisonous stone and minerals (mandatory verification is in the chemical analysis laboratory + on toxicity)
** - are radioactive stone and minerals (mandatory verification on a regular dosimeter + prohibition on the opened sales in the case of radio-activity over 24 milliroentgens / hour + additional measures of protection of people)
All of rare stone are subject obligatory verification on a regular dosimeter on the possible level of radiation and in a chemical laboratory on absence default of poisonous and evaporating components, dangerous for a human people and environment nature
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A catalogue of stone is all of stone in alphabetical order
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