
Catalogue and magic properties of the stone -->rus

   Description characteristic of the mineral.

   Silicate of magnesium. A worm-pipe stone is a carpentry variety of stone serpentinite. Mountain rock of rifle-green and yellow-green color with a characteristic serpentine picture. The name of this stone happened from the word of serpent, apparently, because a semiprecious stone as serpentine skin is painted. In the English variant name his serpentine, that is also related to the snake - from the English word of serp - serpent. Popular mineral. As a carpentry stone Ophite is used already more than 400 years. From him make dinner-wagons, vases, candlesticks, small boxes, ash-trays and other articles of the utilitarian setting not only, but also facing tile. Before Ophite was used at making of chemist mortars, cups and other instrument. For it he was named a chemist stone. Lately interest increases stably to him.

   Varieties of stone: verdantite (dark-green veined calcite), bowenite (inconspicuous-green, sometimes gauzy), williamsite (cyan blue sky-green), satellite (fibred, with the effect of cat's-eye) and rikolite (lamellar, green color). A worm-pipe stone is opaque, often has a fibred and patterning structure.

   Noble Ophite differs from a worm-pipe stone. It has not green, but yellowish-green, whitish-green color, evenly painted (ophite) or with black beauty-spot (mossiness mushroom). It slightly examines with x-rays in thin chip split. Noble Ophite very looks like a nephrite, what can not be said, certainly, about a worm-pipe. Used in jeweller wares. Bright-green Ophite and green Ophite with dark veins it is possible to entangle with a nephrite. In Russia noble Ophite obtain on Ural.

   Magic properties of stone.

   A worm-pipe stone draws out negative energy and emotions from the damaged field, therefore from the earliest times used for treatment of corporal and heartfelt diseases. Very strong power engineering specialist, creating feeling of defence and heartfelt equilibrium for a proprietor. A worm-pipe stone is considered an insidious stone, stone Tempter. But can be and useful, if you will make friends with him, will take from dangers. The talisman of doctors, chemists, doctors, homoeopaths, masseurs, possesses strong power properties and ability to allot a proprietor by energy power force, but only in an order to be divided by it with other people in an active help, not only rudely-material but also thin. As an amulet and guarded a serpentine is conservator, custodian from spoilage, jinxing et cetera He is closely related to the secrets of universe, secret sciences and knowledges and useful only that, who wants and possesses will to cognize the hidden mechanisms of work of the universe. It is the powerful purifier of space, therefore well to have him at home, especially as objects, reminding an in a due form involute horn, vase, opened small box and other.

   Serpentine especially mightily shows the qualities only with those, who wants to study, aims to know itself, with those, who actively corrects the character and wishes to know that it follows him to carry out in life, and from what and to renounce, I.e. stone loves researchers. In this case, conducting a people through the most various situations, it becomes a talisman, amulet and оберегом at once, not forgetting heal body of favourite owner. It is not necessary to give the stone, even from the most good motives, as a serpentine never forgets the owner, but well, if stone passed to you on a blood inheritance: his actions increase repeatedly because in this case stone knows already the problems of your family (families) and can become, if you will want it, by the "setter-up" of not only your life but also dear you people.

   In obedience to legend, the old Adam (the Holy Bible, the Israeli Torah, the Pentateuch of the Moses), choking over an apple, spit out the piece of worm-pipe stone on earth. Therefore green worm-pipe stone sometimes name the stone of Adam and consider an insidious stone. Thus Ophite helps to avoid dangers on a vital way. Serpentine mightily pumps out negative energy, why stone it is necessary even one time per a week to lay in running cold water.


Poisonous and radioactive risky hazardous cargo stone and minerals

   ** - are poisonous stone and minerals (mandatory verification is in the chemical analysis laboratory + on toxicity)
   ** - are radioactive stone and minerals (mandatory verification on a regular dosimeter + prohibition on the opened sales in the case of radio-activity over 24 milliroentgens / hour + additional measures of protection of people)
   All of rare stone are subject obligatory verification on a regular dosimeter on the possible level of radiation and in a chemical laboratory on absence default of poisonous and evaporating components, dangerous for a human people and environment nature

  1. Adamite *
  2. Annabergite * Eritrine *
  3. Antimonite *
  4. Arsenolite **
  5. Arsenopyrite **
  6. Orpiment, Golden Earth **
  7. Baildonite *
  8. Beryl **
  9. Blomstrandite, Betafite **
  10. Billietit **
  1. Bismutite *
  2. Breithauptite *
  3. Witherite *
  4. Gadolinite **
  5. Halite, Mine Rock Salt **
  6. Geocronite *
  7. Glaukodote *
  8. Descloisite * Mottramite *
  9. Jordanite *
  10. Carnotite **
  1. Cinnabar, Vermilion, Spanish Red **
  2. Cobaltite *
  3. Cottunite *
  4. Liroconite *
  5. Marcasite *
  6. Monacite *
  7. Ammoniac *
  8. Nikeline *
  9. Otenite **
  10. Pyromorfite *
  11. Chalcolamprite, Pyrochlorine *
  1. Prustite *
  2. Rammelsbergite *
  3. Realgar **
  4. Mercury, Quicksilver *
  5. Senarmontite *
  6. Sulphur, Sulfur, Brimstone *
  7. Skutterudite *
  8. Strontianite **
  9. Antimony,
    Stibium *
  10. Tetrahedrite *
  11. Thorianite **
  1. Thorite **
  2. Uraninite **
  3. Pharmacolite *
  4. Halkozine, Copper-glance *
  5. Hatchinsonite *
  6. Celestine **
  7. Zircon **
  8. Evksenite **
  9. Enargite *
  10. Eshinite **
  11. Conichalcite *

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A catalogue of stone is all of stone in alphabetical order

  1. Aventurine *
  2. Agate ***
  3. Azurite *
  4. Aquamarine *
  5. Alexandrite
  6. Diamond ***
  7. Almandine
  8. Amazon-stone *
  9. Amethyst **
  10. Ametrine
  11. Ammolite mother-of-pearl, nacre
  12. Ammonite mollusks
  13. Apatite
  14. Belemnite
  15. Beryl **
  16. Bone, tusk
    of Mammoth
  17. Turquoise
  18. Bovine eye (quartz)
  19. Verdelite
  20. Jet (bitumen
    black coal) **
  21. Heliodor **
  22. Heliotrope
  23. Hematite **
  24. Hessonite (Cinnamon stone)
  25. Howlite, kaulite
  26. Garnet
  27. Grossuliare
  28. Demantoide **
  1. Diopside Chromediopside
  2. Dravite (Tourmaline)
  3. Wood petrified (stone)
  4. Dumorterite
  5. Jadeite
  6. Pearls
  7. Emerald **
  8. Calcite *
  9. Kaholong
    (White opal)
  10. Quartz
  11. Quartz-hairstone
  12. Quartz pink, rose
  13. Cinnabar, Vermilion, Spanish Red **
  14. Conichalcite **
  15. Coral
  16. Corundum
  17. Cat's Eye (quartz)
  18. Cat's Eye Chrysoberyl
  19. Millstone,
    Fint stone **
  20. Cuncite
    (Kuncite) **
  21. Labrador **
  22. Lazurite, Lapis lazuli
  23. Moon stone (Adularia)
  24. Malachite
  1. Meteorite
  2. Morganite **
  3. Morion **
  4. Nephritis (jade) **
  5. Obsidian **
  6. Onyx marble**
  7. Onyx
  8. Opal
  9. Orthoclase, Microcline **
  10. Pegmatite **
  11. Mother-of-pearl, Nacre
  12. Pyrite **
  13. Arizona ruby, Pyrope
  14. Part-opal
  15. Prazeme
  16. Smoky Quartz **
  17. Rhodonite
  18. Ruby
  19. Rubellite
  20. Sapphire **
  21. Sardonyx
  22. Selenite
  23. Seraphinite
  24. Cornelian, Sard
  25. Serpentine
    (Ophite) **
  1. Simbircite,
    Calcite **
  2. Sodalite
  3. Falcon Eye
  4. Staurolite, Granatite **
  5. Tektite,
    Meteorite *
  6. Tiger's-eye
  7. Tourmaline *
  8. Topaz
  9. Uvarovite
  10. Ulexite **
  11. Fluorite
  12. Haliotis, Black Nacre, Mother-of-pearl
  13. Chalcedony
  14. Chrysolite *
  15. Chrysoprase **
  16. Crystal Mountain Quartz
  17. Celestine **
  18. Citrine
  19. Zircon **
  20. Charoite **
  21. Schorl
  22. Spinel *
  23. Schungite **
  24. Eudialyte *
  25. Euclase
  26. Epidote
  27. Amber
  28. Jasper