Catalogue and magic properties of the stone -->rus
Diopside (Chromediopside)
Description characteristic of the mineral.
and in particular chromediopsides malacolites. Diopside - mineral from the group of пироксенов, crystallizable in monoclinic Crystal structure. The color of diopside malacolite is grey, mineral is colourless sometimes, with the increase of maintenance of bivalent ferrous iron he becomes green. Beautiful bottle-green color transparent diopsides malacolites are jeweller raw material. Bivalent ferrous iron also paints Diopside in a blue color, and if trivalent ferrous iron prevails prevails - in yellow, gold and brown-yellow, gold. There are a few varieties of diopside malacolite: violane - violet and blue (a color is given manganese); sheffelite - rich in a manganese; zinc sheffelite - rich in zinc and manganese; Jeffersonite - ferrosalite, containing zinc and manganese; Chromediopside - beautiful jeweller stone, which for a emerald-green color name the Siberian emerald, being a chrome-contain variety of diopside malacolite; lavrovite - green, containing a to 4% oxide of vanadium; smaragdite - beautiful emerald-green color of stone, deputized largely horny blende. Known also diopsides malacolites with the effect of cat's-eye and black diopsides malacolites.
Diopside often be found as prismatic crystals of different size. Very large, well well-educated crystals from Pribaykalya (Slyudyanka) are named baikalite. Mass of large jeweller stone usually does not exceed 20 carat. Aggregates of diopside malacolite can be fibred, then there is a velvety or mother-of-pearl ebb at their treatment. Diopside possesses glass brilliance. Hardness Mohs comparatively low - 5,5-6,6.
Unique is Inaglinskoe deposit of chromediopside in Russia, CIS (river stream Aldan). The output of jeweller chromediopside in different parts of deposit is different. Central part which dark-green Chromediopside is in is most perspective. Jeweller quality of chromediopsides malacolites of this deposit 0,2-3,5% contain oxide of chrome. Chromediopside of high quality can be given out for far more dear emeralds (chromediopsides malacolites unlike an emerald more soft).
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