ISBN 978-966-2046-92-2 K.305
UDC 549:291,33 LBC 86.41:26.31

Stone, minerals and semiprecious of the world stone
Oxide and hydrooxide: Eshinite -->rus

   Diagnostic cart.

   (Ce, Th) (Ti, Nb, Ta)2 O6
   Crystal structure rhombic
   Cleavage shows up easily
   Fracture, break plate tablet lamellar
   Colors black
   Glance (glitter, glare) glassy

   Presented grey-black the masses, with pseudometallic off-gloss; crystals, mostly oblate, are very rare. Eshinite - very rare mineral.

   Transparency - in thin fragments transparent an intense-red, rarer brown-yellow color, therefore sometimes reminds the separate varieties of jeweller Garnet. Rhombo-dipyramidal type of symmetry. Mainly metamict (of or denoting the amorphous state of a substance that has lost its crystalline structure as a result of the radioactivity of uranium or thorium within it), roentgeno-amorphous (it is forbidden to expose to the irradiation in x-ray photography options and nuclear reactors); as a result of burning blasted a radiation a crystalline structure is restored. Cleavage - in microsections at nometamict Eshinite (lyndochite) from Korea cleavage is marked on lengthening of crystals, at tantalum-Eshinite is noperfect absolute cleavage to on (100).

   Aggregates are crystals, usually imperfect (sometimes to 10 sm and more), rarer extended grains of wrong form. Crystals of prismatic type, a few shortened along an ax and, usually imperfect; crystals of tantalumEshinite flattened to on (010). Verges of Eshinite usually mat, often eaten, on verges is the vertical shading; rarely verges are brilliant and deprived shading. There are mutual-parallel joint, junction of crystals.

   Diagnostic indication.

   Eshinite is strongly radio-active (contains the noticeable amount of radio-active thorium). Rarely meeting in the crystals of Eshinite can remind the separate varieties of Garnet (it not "rare Garnet") - it is forbidden to expose to him any cutting, to process, insert in jeweller and other wares (in place of Garnet), to carry in any shape or form, to keep in offices, private and even museum collection in the unspecialized apartments of special safe, storage, depository, depot, storehouse, repository.

   Deposit minefield mine and use.

   Deposit found out minefield mine field occurrence subsoil of this exceptionally rare mineral in Norway and Russia. It is found also in Kenya (variety of tantalum-Eshinite), Korea, Mongolia and in the carbonatites of Ravalli-kaunti (the state is Montana, USA). Found out Eshinite also in some places in Alps, where be found as typical mineral fillings of cracks as plate tablet lamellar of light red crystals (San-Gotard, Servandon, Val-Benedetto, Bakshteyn near-by Zalcburga).

   Analogue of Eshinite, vidgeccite, which rare earths (radio-active components of Eshinite) are not in, but a lot of calcium, found in Orchesko (Val-Vigesso). It is presented there as shallow crystals of rose-brown color.


   DOPOG #7     
   Radio-active materials (radiation, Ukraine)

   Risk of absorption of external and internal radiation irradiation

   To limit time of influence, burns by a radiation, radiation exposure of photo- and the cinema material

   Yellow overhead half of rhombus, white - lower, isometric, number of DOPOG, black sign of radiation, inscription, title (text)


   DOPOG #7                     
   Radio-active materials

   Risk of absorption of external and internal radiation irradiation, radiation burn

   To limit time of influence, burns by a radiation, radiation exposure of photo- and the cinema material

   White, yellow overhead half of rhombus, white - lower, number of DOPOG, black sign of radiation, text

   Active single-component (impoverished) radiation materials. White rhombus, one vertical red line down - there is not a nuclear military load (including simple h-bomb on a nuclear detonating fuse, impoverished uranium, burning war-head of "Kosovo", EU, single-component without a nuclear explosion). Jurisdiction is metrology of the Ukraine.

   Yellow rhombus, two vertical red lines down is an active single nuclear charge (uranium, nuclear bomb on a type "Hiroshima", including multicomponent of the same type nuclear parts of single military load, single-component explosion and simple chain nuclear reaction - "two in one"). Jurisdiction is GAI of the Ukraine (Road Police Militia of the Ukraine) and war military law and order.

   Yellow rhombus, three vertical red lines down - active double multi-component nuclear charge (plus heavy hydrogen-tritium, thermonuclear bomb of type the "Tihiy Pacific ocean", including nuclear parts of full-duplex military load, chain nuclear explosion and chain thermonuclear reaction - "three in one"). Jurisdiction - war military Road Police VAI of Ukraine and war military law and order.


   DOPOG #7E     
   Radio-active materials substances are nuclear reaction fission (in the process of explosion)

   Danger of origin of nuclear chain reaction (nuclear reaction, explosion). Active single-component (impoverished) radiation materials.

   White overhead half of rhombus, white - lower, isometric, number of DOPOG, black sign of radiation, text