Stone, minerals and semiprecious of the world stone Sulphide: Breithauptite -->rus
Diagnostic cart.
Ni Sb
Crystal structure hexagonal
Hardness on the Mohs scale 5,5
Specific unit weight mass 7,5-8,2
Colors red
Colors in powder triturate reddish-brown, black
Glance (glitter, glare) metallic
Presented the rare crystalline individuals of hexagonal oblate form. The dissipated branchy formations and small dense the masses are more ordinary. Colors copper-red, with the reflection of violet tone.
Origin provenance genesis.
Breithauptite be found in an association with native silver, by the minerals of silver and with silver-arsenic minerals.
Deposit minefield mine and use.
Wonderful standards as prismatic crystals and massive small accumulations of copper-coloured color are found in the mineries of Sar-rabus in Sardinia (Monte-nar-ba, Masaloni, Dzhiovanni Bond).
Breithauptite be found jointly with sphalerite, ullmannite, Millerite ohm, galena, galenite. The less beautiful, but more numerous standards of breithauptite are obtained in Andreasberge in Garce (Germany, EU) and Cobalt, Ontario (Canada, America). Breithauptite has insignificant practical use.
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Poisonous and radioactive risky hazardous cargo stone and minerals
** - are poisonous stone and minerals (mandatory verification is in the chemical analysis laboratory + on toxicity) ** - are radioactive stone and minerals (mandatory verification on a regular dosimeter + prohibition on the opened sales in the case of radio-activity over 24 milliroentgens / hour + additional measures of protection of people)
Adamite * Annabergite * Eritrine * Antimonite * Arsenolite ** Arsenopyrite ** Orpiment, Golden Earth ** Baildonite * Beryl ** Blomstrandite, Betafite ** Billietit ** Bismutite * Breithauptite * Witherite * Gadolinite ** Halite, Mine Rock Salt * * Geocronite * Glaukodote * Descloisite * Mottramite * Jordanite * Carnotite ** Cinnabar, Spanish Red, Vermilion ** Cobaltite * Cottunite * Liroconite * Marcasite * Monacite * Ammoniac * Nikeline * Otenite ** Pyromorfite * Chalcolamprite, Pyrochlorine * Prustite * Rammelsbergite * Realgar ** Mercury, Quicksilver * Senarmontite * Sulphur, Sulfur, Brimstone * Skutterudite * Strontianite * * Antimony, Stibium * Tetrahedrite * Thorianite ** Thorite ** Uraninite ** Pharmacolite * Halkozine, Copper-glance * Hatchinsonite * Celestine * * Zircon ** Evksenite ** Enargite * Eshinite ** Conichalcite *
Stone, minerals and semiprecious of the world stone group screening
** - toxic poisonous stone and minerals ** - radioactive stone and minerals
Native elements: Diamond carbons Graphite, plumbago, black lead Iron Gold Copper Platinum Mercury, Quicksilver * Sulphur, Sulfur, Brimstone * Silver Antimony, Stibium * Sulphide: Antimonite * Arsenopyrite ** Orpiment, Golden Earth ** Bismutite * Breithauptite * Galena, galenite Glaukodote * Jordanite * Cinnabar, Spanish Red, Vermilion ** Cobaltite * Marcasite * Molybdenite Nikeline * Pyrite Pyrrotine Prustite * Rammelsbergite * Realgar ** Skutterudite * Sphalerite Tetrahedrite * Halkozine, Copper-glance * Chalcopyrite Hatchinsonite * Enargite * Pyroxene (silicates): Diopside Jadeite Spodumene Halogenoide, halogenide, halogen: Halite, Mine Rock Salt * * Cottunite * Ammoniac * Fluorite Spinel (oxides): Magnetite Minium, red lead, saturn red Spinel Oxide and hydrooxide: Arsenolite ** Blomstrandite, Betafite ** Billietit ** Hematite Goethite Quartz Corundum Limonite Opal Polianite, pirolusite Pyrohroite Rutile Senarmontite * Thorianite ** Uraninite ** Chalcedony Zincite Evksenite ** Eshinite ** Other: Astrophyllite Petrified fossilized wood Amber Carbonate: Azurite Aragonite Dolomite Calcite Malachite Siderite Strontianite * * Trona, throne Ulexite Sulphate: Barite Woulffenite Gypsum Crocoite Celestine * * Phosphate: Adamite * Annabergite * Eritrine * Apatite Baildonite * Turquoise Vanadinite Vivianite Kertschenite Descloisite * Mottramite * Carnotite ** Liroconite * Monacite * Otenite ** Pyromorfite * Pharmacolite * Silicate: Andalusite Gadolinite ** Datolite Disthene, kyanite, cyanite Olivine Topaz Thorite ** Zircon ** Euclase Epidotes (silicates): Beryl ** Aquamarine Emerald Heliodor Morganite (vorobyevite) Cordierite, iolite Tourmaline Eudialyte Epidote Garnets (silicates): Grossuliare Arizona ruby, Pyrope Garnet Uvarovite Garnet Mica, isinglass stone (silicates): Biotite, black mica Lepidolite Chlorites (silicates): Clinochlore Serpentine Chrysocolla Feldspar (silicates): Microcline Orthoclase Spar (silicates): Lazurite, Lapis lazuli Sodalite Amphiboles (silicates): Anthophyllite Prehnite Rhodonite Talcum, talc Types of minerals (classification on chemical composition)
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