Stone, minerals and semiprecious of the world stone
Garnets (silicates): Grossuliare -->rus
Diagnostic cart.
On a photo. Crystals of hessonite (variety of Grossuliare), obtained in Passo-del'- Fayyalo (province of Savona, Liguriya, Italy)
Ca3 Al2 (SiO4)3
Crystal structure cube
Hardness on the Mohs scale 6,5-7
Specific unit weight mass 3,59
Cleavage non-existent
Fracture, break padman
Colors colourless, polycoloured (multicoloured)
Colors in powder triturate white
Glance (glitter, glare) glassy
Grossuliare, getting the name from the позднелатинского name of gooseberry (grossularia), as jeweller stone is widely known from 60th. Colors to his thicket of all of green. Deposit minefield mine field occurrence subsoil - in Sri Lanka, Canada, Pakistan, Republic of South Africa, Tanzania, CIS, USA. Often outwardly is alike on Demantoide, rarer - on an emerald.
Gessonite (Cinnamon stone) is a brownish-orange variety of Grossuliare (in olden times it was named by kanele). The most known deposit is in Sri Lanka.
Leykogranat - colourless Grossuliare. Deposit minefield mine field occurrence subsoil in Mexico and Canada.
Gidrogrossulyar - dense, opaque, green aquated Grossuliare, forms continuous aggregates, point-of-sale name Transvaal jade.
The crystals of Grossuliare more frequent than all are easily recognized on their form of rhombic-dodecahedron shape (diamond forms) or tetragon-trioctahedral group. Rarer there are cleanly cube and octahedral forms, while the extended varieties most interesting. Grossuliare is hard and enough heavy a mineral, deprived cleavage, fragile. Clean on composition of Grossuliare transparent, but it can be also semilucent and opaque, light-grey, rather yellow, greenish or reddish, with glass brilliance.
Grossuliare name calcium Garnets of chlorine, rather yellow, copper-brown or brownish color. Colourless, white, inconspicuous-green, greenish-yellow, gold, apple-green, yellowish-green, grey, amber-yellow, gold, honey mead-yellow, gold, wines-yellow, gold, brownish-yellow, gold, light-brown, pinkish-red.
Diagnostic indication.
Not melt fuse and insoluble. In x-rays finds out weak greenish-yellow fluorescence. In acids does not dissolve. Cold water with powder of Grossuliare has an alkalireaction.
Varieties. Among the numerous varieties of Grossuliare it is needed to mark hessonite (named also "Pietra cannella" - doggy stone for his yellow-brown color); succinite of characteristic amber-coloured, Landerite (rozolite) of the reddish colouring.
Deposit minefield mine and use.
Be found in many places of Italy, including in an area Lombardy - Val'-pagera and Monte-kostone in Val'ka-monika; in area of Trentino - Val'-di-fassa and Kancokollit in the commune of Predasso; there is Toskana in an area - Kasa-Kolina (province of Grosseto); in area of Lacio - Agil'yaro-sabasiya (a province is Rome) and Farneze (province of Viterbo); in an area Kalabriya is Donna-Angelica (province of Katandzaro). Grossuliare obtain also in Quebece (Canada) and Ksalostoke (Mexico). On jeweller business the transparent and painted differences of Grossuliare are used as a semiprecious stone.