
Stone, minerals and semiprecious of the world stone
Chlorites (silicates): Clinochlore -->rus

   Diagnostic cart.

   (Mg, Al)3 (OH)2 Al Si3O10 Mg3 (OH)6
   Crystal structure monoclinic
   Hardness on the Mohs scale 2
   Specific unit weight mass 2,5-2,7
   Cleavage perfect absolute
   Colors green
   Glance (glitter, glare) mother-of-pear nacreous

   Presented the lamellar tabular crystals of pseudohexagonal outlines, sometimes by dense scaly aggregates. At plates is perfect absolute cleavage and mother-of-pear nacreous brilliance at bottom base; they are flexible, but not elastic.

   Colouring of green, various on intensity, sometimes can pass to bluish, light-yellow and even almost white, as at a variety, known under the name leuchtenbergite (chlorite is group of mica-like, isinglass stone minerals of green color, entering in the complement of many mountain breeds, containing chlorous connections, salts of chlorous acid.). Cherno-green to bluish-green (kochubeite pink, rose, violet) color. Rotined on a photo down Clinochlore from Russia Seraphinite is named and used in a jeweller production as insertion-cabochons.

   Chemical composition (chemistry, compound). Strongly hesitates; oxide of magnesium (MgO) 17-34,5%, protoxide of iron (FeO) 1,8-12,2%, oxide of iron (Fе2О3) 0-3%, oxide of aluminium (Al2O3) 13,1-17,6%, silex (SiO2) 28,3-33,9%, water (H2O) 11,7-14,2%. Admixtures: kemidol (CaO) to 9%, freoxide (MnO) to 23%, oxide of trivalent chrome (Cr2o3) to 8% (chrome-bearing Clinochlore is named kochubeite). Leaves are flexible, but fragile (not elastic). Form of crystals. Tablitchatye, pyramidal, rhombohedral. Crystalline structure. Stratified lattice. Class of symmetry. Probably prismatic - 2/m. Cleavage. Very perfect absolute on a base (001). Aggregates. Scaly, fissile.

   Diagnostic indication.

   At heating disintelattices on leaves, not fusible. Dissolves in strong acids, abandoning a siliceous remain. Not melt fuse. A behavior is in acids. Fully decomposes in concentrated H2SO4.

   Origin provenance genesis.

   Clinochlore has the second origin. It is widely widespread in nature. Associating with talc, be found in the metamorphic rocks of epizone, such as chloritic and talcky shale slates.

   Deposit minefield mine and use.

   Clinochlore is set also in the rocks of many places in western Alps. His crystals are in Akhmatove on Ural, in Tili-foster in the state New York (in an association with chondrodite), West-Chester in the state Pennsylvania (USA) and Cillertale in Tyrol (Austria).